Tips for connecting to a telehealth call successfully

Telehealth makes accessing mental health care accessible and simple. Whether you attend your telehealth appointment from home or your GP’s office, there are a few important steps to follow before and during your video conference call that will help reduce any technical or communication issues on the call. The following tips tips will help ensure your video call runs smoothly.

1. Check your internet + device

Before your telehealth appointment, it’s a good idea to do a pre-call test to ensure your internet speed, camera and microphone are all working. To do this, go to, click ‘start test’ and follow the instructions.

At the time of your call, try not to have other programs, apps or streaming services running, as this may slow down your internet speed.

If you are still having issues connecting, please make sure you read the Coviu patient support page for further guidance on technical requirements.

2. Choose the right space

Before your telehealth appointment, think about which space is best to attend your call. If you are at the GP, there should be a room reserved for you. If you are making the call from home, choose a room that you know will quiet at the time of your appointment, and that has plenty of light, either from a large window or overhead lights.

3. Consider lighting

On that note, make sure the room will be well-lit during your call. This means you either need to have overhead lights switched on, or plenty of light coming through the windows. If it is very bright outside, avoid sitting in direct sunlight, or having the sun shining on your screen – this will make it hard for your clinician to see you, and hard for you to see your screen!

4. Setting yourself up.

Even though you might be talking to a Call to Mind psychiatrist or psychologist from home, it’s still important to show up just like you would a normal doctor’s appointment – wear something comfortable and appropriate, and find somewhere you can sit up straight while still feeling relaxed – a chair pulled up to a table or desk is best. Set your computer, tablet or smart phone up on the table or desk so the device is at about eye level. If you’re not using a laptop or desktop computer, try leaning your phone or tablet against a sturdy stack of books so you can let it stand freely during your call. Whether you’re using a computer, tablet or smart phone, make sure your device is fully charged before your telehealth appointment. Keep a charger nearby in case your battery starts to go low during the call.

5. Minimise distractions

It’s important to ensure privacy when you attend your telehealth video conference call (unless a guardian or support staff have been asked to assist by your GP or Call to Mind clinician). Before your call, ask anyone who will be around to avoid interrupting you or opening the door during the duration of your appointment. Move clutter or distractions away from the space in which you’ll be sitting. Turn phones, tvs and other devices off or on silent so you can focus on talking to your clinician.