Ian Munt is a Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist who started his medical career as a rural GP in Queensland after medical school in Brisbane. After a brief stint in Medical Administration he found his career path led him to Psychiatry with subspecialization in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. This career path has allowed him to work in rural and metropolitan Australia, as well as the UK, Canada, Singapore and most recently in New Zealand. His clinical interests include the neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD and ASD with a very strong interest in Sleep Disorders. He actively aims to incorporate an individual, developmental approach for each child or young person with the approach and understanding that the individual is also part of a family system. Given the number of places he has worked it is fortunate that one Ian’s strong interests away from work is travel. He also enjoys camping and does (mini) triathlons with the sole goal of retaining his dignity by finishing in an upright position no matter how long it takes.