– Referals received from GP and this must be on new ADHD referral template. This includes an acknowledgement by the GP that they will take over prescribing once stabilised.
– Screened by MH Nurse and triaged as appropriate for ADHD Pathway (note we typically reject >75% of referrals due to being unsuitable for telehealth/pathway)
– Patient sent questionnaires including: ASRS2, DIVA (patient and family member), patient consent form, basic info questionnaire
– We request any school reports or collateral
– Once this has been received we then book,
1) the initial appointment with the psychiatrist (296),
2) an assessment with a psychologist and
3) appointment with psychiatrist for feedback and treatment planning (306).
– If the patient is diagnosed with ADHD and requires ongoing management, i.e. medication initiation, please let the admin staff know. We will then provide the psychoeducaton materials to the patient (currently in development) and book follow ups after 2, 6, 12, 18 and 26 weeks (treatment session taken as week 0). Please also alert staff if requiring further psychology sessions (recommended).
– If the patient is not diagnosed with ADHD OR if they require a different schedule of appointments, please let admin know.
– please use Halaxy e-scripts for all prescribing
– please ensure you are aware of any state-based regulations (see AADPA website for a useful summary)
– as most of these referrals will be from NSW, we would highly recommend registering for a general authority to prescribe stimulants in NSW (this takes 1-2 weeks to approve) . See NSW Health “Application for General Authority to Prescribe Dexamfetamine, Lisdexamfetamine or Methylphenidate for the Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)”